

Build with Band
data provider

Earn as a
Premium Data Provider

Monetize your data feeds to decentralized applications (DApps) and collect revenue per request in real-time.

Secure DApp Ecosystem & Earn
How It Works
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Secure DApps Ecosystem & Earn

With the rise of DeFi, the data market for DApps has grown to demand more data types and sources to support their innovation and security.

With BandChain's on-chain revenue feature, anyone with a data API endpoint can supply data and earn revenue on-chain in real-time at scale.

DApps enjoy a readily accessible ecosystem of data while data providers earn from their contributions.

DAap ecosystem



Unparalleled Access to DApps Market

Make your data available to monetize to one of the fastest growing markets.

One-time setup


Minimal setup (> 2 days) with easy-to-maintain design. Step-by-Step with professional support.

100% Control Over Your Earning

100% Control Over Your Earning

Your revenue is deposited directly into your wallet in real-time. Always in your custody 24/7.

How It Works

To make your data available to be purchased per request on BandChain and become a data provider, you only need to set up a wallet and deploy a Data Source.

A Data Source in BandChain contains programming instructions on how requesters can query from your API endpoint. When a request is made on BandChain to query data from your data-source script, the requester attaches a fee in BAND token which is then deposited directly into your wallet as the request happens -- allowing your business to enjoy a real-time revenue stream.

Since BandChain is a decentralized structure, you will always have 100% control over your wallet and your earnings as they come in.

How it works

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Data Source

with Band



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